A similar type of offer has been spotted on Paytm recently. Well, it’s raining discounts everywhere and this time its iPhone 7 which got a huge price cut. Paytm has now listed the iPhone 7 handset at Rs 45,964 down Rs 14,040 from its original price. If you have the Paytm app on your smartphone then you can check it right now. Well, this offer can be accessed through Paytm website too. Let me tell you, the discount of Rs.14,040 is not what you will get, you can also avail a promo offer to get a cashback of Rs 5,750. That means the users will get the discount of Rs 14,040 + Rs. 5,750 which makes it the total discount of Rs 19,790. Well, this huge discount is only available for the 32GB version of iPhone 7. If we talk about iPhone 7, it features a 4.7inch Retina HD display. It has a 12MP rear camera with f/1.8 aperture, 6 element lens, Quad LED flash, flicker sensor and more. The handset is powered by company’s new A10 Fusion SoC. It also boasts a new 6-core GPU which is said to be 50% faster than previous A9 processors that powers iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus. Well, if you have just planned to buy iPhone 7 under this offer hen you must remember that iPhone 8 is just months away from the launch. So, what do you think about this? Share your views in the comment box below.

iPhone 7 Is Available Online At A Huge Discount Of Rs 19 800 - 91