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This latest development comes via a now-deleted Instagram post from the young actor, which was captured on Twitter by the One Piece Live Action News account. Primarily functioning as an antagonist to the Straw Hat Pirates, “Double Ironfist” Fullbody is a marine lieutenant that is proficient in fighting thanks to years of training and some gnarly brass knuckles. More commonly seen in the earlier parts of One Piece, it would appear that the military will play a prominent role as we witness the origins of Luffy and the gang in the Netflix series. In addition to Henry being on board as Fullbody, he is joined by a diverse cast that will drive the show hopefully to success. This includes Iñaki Godoy as Monkey D. Luffy, Mackenyu as Roronoa Zoro, Emily Rudd as Nami, Jacob Romero Gibson as Usopp, and Taz Skylar as Sanji. The live-action One Piece Netflix series also stars Morgan Davies as Koby, Ilia Isorely Paulino as Alvida, Aidan Scott as Helmeppo, Jeff Ward as Buggy, Mckinley Belcher III as Arlong, and Vincent Regan as Garp.

Netflix s One Piece Live Action Adaptation Finds Its Fullbody in Jean Henry - 93