Giuseppe Nelva
First of all, the video reveals the first dedicated refinery ship, the MISC Expanse, which will let players refine mined materials directly in space instead of having to return to a space station.
The second part of the video shows content coming soon in Alpha 3.17, including ship-to-ship refueling, loot generation and selling, the first iteration of Quantum, the new hospitals and clinics, changes to medical gameplay, character and animation improvements, mining gadgets, new clouds, rivers, the Hull A, and more.
In other Star Citizen news, the crowdfunding total has recently passed $446 million and it’s currently sitting on $446,648,859.
The number of registered accounts has recently passed 3.6 million, and it’s at 3,628,790 at the moment of this writing.
As usual, you should keep in mind that it’s known that not all of them are paying players. The number includes free accounts created for a variety of reasons, including Free Fly events.
A few months ago, we got an extensive look at what’s coming to Star Citizen with several panels hosted at CitizenCon.
If you’re wondering whether the game is actually fun to play, this is a good place to start. A star-studded single-player campaign titled “Squadron 42” is in development.
For the sake of full disclosure, do keep in mind that the author of this article has been a Star Citizen backer since the original Kickstarter campaign several years ago.